Why FoodWrite Ltd?

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Why FoodWrite Ltd ?

Do you have a novel product you want to bring to market?

Are you experiencing technical difficulties manufacturing your product?

Do you need help understanding the marketplace for your new technology?

Do you want to transform your business at an affordable cost?

FoodWrite Ltd can help you!

We have a proven track record helping businesses make smart decisions to improve profits and achieve their market potential. 



FoodWrite Ltd was established 10 years ago. Since then we have helped a wide range of companies from multinational manufacturers, suppliers, venture capital firms to research organisations and small companies (see clients below).

We provide consultancy on technologies and markets for the food and beverages industry, and in related industries such as personal care, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, resources, biochemical engineering and nutritional healthcare. Our core areas of expertise are food and nutrition ingredients, dietary and health supplements, and animal products.

You can be confident that your project will be managed professionally. Project proposals are generated ensuring all steps, costings and timings are clear and transparent. Communication with the client is at the heart of our service. We will work closely with you to deliver all your milestones on time. 




Our range of services include: 

  • technical and business writing, and scientific and commercial bid proposals
  • patent writing, applications, support and appeal documents and interpretation
  • product marketing
  • consumer consultancy
  • costings and cost effectiveness on projects
  • product concepts and development
  • provides high quality technology analysis, updates, action plans and reports based on data and scientific literature
  • writing web-content.
  • offering technology scouting, identifying partners for collaboration, business and market development, and a B2B strategy for emerging technologies in food science and processing.
  • providing product documentation and specification services coupled with technical market research to the food industry
  • white papers and marketing materials to support web-sites are a specialty and a number of clients use this service including the copyright more than any

Clients we work with

European Commission, Calleva, General Mills, GlaxoSmithKline, Lucozade Ribena Suntory (LRS), PepsiCo, Riskaware, ThermoFisher Scientific, Sumitomo and Unilever.




Our passion is to provide answers that can be actionable. Engage us as your food consultant and we will help you develop your business as an affordable cost.

Check out our consultancy services on this web-site. 

Give us a call or e-mail and use FoodWrite Ltd‘s experiences to open up new markets, meet the challenges you face and add value to your business.  

Contact: 4 Bowens Hill, Coleford. Glocs. GL16 8DH  T: 01594 810704 M: 07714101039 E-mail: awss@foodwrite.co.uk

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  1. God bless you am pastor Anthony Munyao from Machakos Kenya i have a ministry here in our place where we have orphans and needy people we wish to request for food during this Coronavirus period and also request for partnership if you can partner with us continue praying for us also. Thank you so much

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