Make Your Own Food!

make your own
Image from Pixabay

If you roll up your sleeves and make your own food from scratch, not only does it cost a whole lot less than buying ready made products, it tastes better and can be much healthier for you too. 

Let us help you cook your way to a healthier life!



Make Your Own: Food From The Garden 

grow your own food
Image: jf-gabnor – Pixabay

Perhaps you are a keen gardener and grow your own food. If so, you will be blessed with an abundance of fresh ingredients to work with in the kitchen.

However, you will also know that harvest time can present a real challenge as you try to find a novel ways to cook yet another courgette or runner bean!

Our carefully selected garden recipes will help you make good use of your produce and provide a varied, healthy menu for your family.


Make Your Own: Cooking With Your Kids Matters

make your own food
Image: laterJay Photography – Pixabay

There is more to raising an adventurous, healthy eater, than coaxing your kids to eat their veg!

Bringing up a child who can enjoy carrots and cabbage as much as cake and crisps takes patience and persistence, but it can be fun and certainly doesn’t have to feel like a chore.

Cooking together helps you prioritise healthy ingredients and reduce your families consumption of processed foods. Less convenient for sure, but a great way to lead by example and help your children develop a healthy lifestyle. It can also help your children build their confidence and overcome any reluctance around tasting the unfamiliar.

So, let us help you get your fussy little eaters into the kitchen and turn them into little chefs with our fun and easy healthy recipes. They’ll love tasting the food they have helped make too!

Make Your Own: World Food

make your own food.
Image stokpic – Pixabay

As the world gets smaller, and people travel more widely our appetite for new culinary experiences has increased enormously. 

Food tourism has been a growing trend for some time. People from different cultures eat differently and it seems we just can’t get enough of it!

Inevitably certain dishes have come to symbolise their native country. Burritos mean Mexico, ramen noodles mean China or Japan, pumpkin pie means America and Thanksgiving.

Covid 19 has made travel more difficult at the moment, but your taste buds can still trot the globe using our selection of healthy world food recipes.

Make Your Own: Is The Quality Of My Kitchen Equipment Important?  
make your own food
Image: Rebecca Matthews – Pixabay

Simply put, YES!

The way that you process the food that you cook impacts significantly on flavour. It also has a real impact on the healthiness of your end product. 

If food is not prepared correctly you can reduce the effect of healthy ingredients or unwittingly introduce unhealthy compounds into the finished product. Do it right and you can maintain and even enhance the healthiness of your finished product!  

We help you to understand some of the basic chemistry behind various cooking techniques and recommend good quality kitchen equipment so that you can maximise the healthiness of the dishes you prepare.  


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