Top Diets Of 2019

Beauty portrait of a sports woman surrounded by various healthy food lying on the floor. Healthy eating and exercise concept. Top diets 2019
Olena Kachmar /

It’s always interesting to see what the top diets are going to be for 2019. Let’s face it when it comes to new Year resolutions, losing weight along with actually getting fitter by doing more exercise (even doing some exercise) ranks as the top two. 

When it comes to dieting which one is best for you ? The US News and World Report looked at the top 41 diet plans. From this list, the diets were examined for weight loss, the best ones for heart, diabetes and obesity. Also in the list were those considered ideal for rapid weight loss or for sustained weight loss, and the ones that were at the top of the ‘commercial’ tree. 

For a diet to consistently rank in the top five means that it must score well on all fronts. It must be nutritious, be easy to follow, perhaps help those with certain chronic conditions and offer more in the way of education. I’m always fascinated to see the new fads or trends in dieting. Will they be exposed for some form of trickery or do they offer some new insight. We shouldn’t be surprised that it comes down to high quality nutrition

The list was collated by dieticians and experts in obesity, diabetes and heart disease along with some general  medics. Overall the Mediterranean diet ranked best of all in a number of categories. Largely a plant-based diet it does allow for some meat especially salmon (oily fish), red wine, bread and whole grains. It offers quite a mix but seems to be ideal for sustained benefits in heart health and diabetes. It also seems to be a good one to follow if specific treatments are being advised such as when women are on IVF. The chances of fertilization are said to improve when this diet is adopted. It could also be a good one for all of us who aim to keep our mental faculties at peak condition especially as we age. A good one apparently for the elderly to follow. The other aspect is that it could reduce the risk of cancer development. Some recent research suggested it might cut the incidence of womb cancer by 50 per cent. It’s also one of the easiest to follow too !

Another diet ranking extremely well is the WeightWatchers or WW diet as it is now known by. Claimed to be incredibly popular  with millenials it has a strong resonance within its own community, nothing is off limits as long as the points system which it uses is followed. In recent years, the WW has gained ground because of a very  good app. which can be downloaded to mobile phone or other devices. You scan a barcode and it tells you how many points a particular food has.

Surprisingly, the  Flexitarian diet appears to have generated a lot of interest. It is  flexible and appeals very strongly to those who want to be more vegetarian. It is very similar to the idea of having a meatless Monday because for some of the days, only vegetarian meals are aloud. said to be the best for sustained weight-loss.

The best diet overall according to the US New and World Report list for 2019 are the following:-

  1. Mediterranean diet
  2. DASH Diet
  3. Flexitarian Diet
  4. MIND diet and the WeightWatchers Diet

A look at the commercial diets reveals the following list:-

  1. WeightWatchers (WW) Diet
  2. Jenny Craig
  3. Nutritarian Diet
  4. South Beach Diet
  5. Biggest Loser Diet/Nutrisystem/Zone Diet (all these tied)

The most popular weight-loss diets are the following:-

  1. WeightWatchers Diet
  2. Volumetrics
  3. Flexitarian Diet/Jenny Craig/Vegan Diet

One of the newest diets to reach this list is the Nordic diet. This one is plant based and focuses on the foods the Vikings ate. The Vikings were a war like people that came from the Scandinavian countries and raided the British Isles on a regular basis. If the people are healthy then this spurs a lot of interest in what they eat. There are many island nations and even groups of people within populations whose diet has been mimicked by others. Look at the Okinawan diet for example. If it works for them then surely the diet and presumably their lifestyle will work for us. 

The Nordic Diet foods that are allowed include mostly vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish and berries. I guess it has similarities with the Mediterranean diet save for a few exceptions.

The DASH diet often ties with the Mediterranean diet. In fact the DASH diet has been ranked by US News And World Report as number 1 for the last eight consecutive years.

A close examination of the top ranking diets usually includes all the foods that we are told by dieticians we should be eating which might sound strange. Generally, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, keeping to low sugar and salt, and low saturated fat seem to be a general trend. Indeed all these elements have been discussed in medical and clinical studies for many years so it comes as no real surprise to see those which incorporate clinically beneficial foods as the heart of their diet.

The keto diet (ketogenic diet) is actually not as popular as we think. However, all those wanting to rapidly lose weight usually adopt it. This one relies on a high-fat low carbohydrate premise.  Many experts warn that it is not sustainable and doesn’t necessarily generate the benefits that many would like. Another diet that seems to have fallen out of favour is the Whole30 and the Dukan Diet is now the least popular of the current batch.

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  1. Really interesting article as far as I’m concerned. Looks like Mediterranean for me. I’m avoiding any diet with cleanse or detox in the tile because they are just not right!

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