milk in a glass and jug against a black background. The source of casein and casomorphin for purification.

What is beta-Casomorphin 7?

May 9, 2024 smitsa 0

Beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7) is a peptide that is derived from the breakdown of beta-casein, a protein found in milk. Beta-casein is one of the main proteins […]

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Cheese Powders: An Overview

February 21, 2024 smitsa 0

Cheese powders are dehydrated forms of cheese, widely used in the food industry for their convenience, long shelf life, and ease of incorporation into various […]

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Steam Frothing of Milk

May 3, 2023 smitsa 0

Steam frothing of milk is a critical process when serving a high quality cappuccino or macchiato in a cafe. It’s the job of the barista […]

Making yogurt at home.

Making Yogurt At Home

December 7, 2022 smitsa 0

Making yogurt at home is fun and enjoyable. Results at first can be variable but it’s worth persisting with as you can begin to experiment […]


The Benefits of Yogurt

November 25, 2022 smitsa 0

Yogurt is a fermentation of milk with a benign bacterial culture to produce a flavoured, slightly sharp creamy product. It is a simple manufacture of […]

Yogurt will involve Leuconostoc species.


November 1, 2022 smitsa 0

Leuconostoc species are bacteria commonly associated with spoilage and fermentation of food products. They are also increasingly seen as contributorsto probiotics and  to postbiotic ingredients. […]

goat supplier of goat milk

Goat Milk

October 30, 2022 smitsa 0

Goat milk is better for some people to ingest than other dairy products. It is better than cow’s milk because it has less allergencity and […]

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The Caseinates

April 29, 2021 smitsa 0

Caseinates, derived from the milk protein casein, hold a significant presence in the food industry, offering a versatile range of functionalities and applications. As key […]

33748050 - six ice creams in cones on white background

Ice Cream Anyone?

April 14, 2021 smitsa 0

Ice cream is one of the great delights of summer especially its warmer days. It is consumed throughout the world and is viewed as a […]

A camel/ Source of camel milk.

The Joy Of Camel Milk

September 16, 2020 smitsa 2

Camel milk is a particularly delicious dairy drink. There are many nutritional and health benefits touted for camel milk proteins and a number of peptides. […]