Who Thought Whey Protein Would Make Its Way Into Coffee

A cup of steaming coffee surrounded by coffee beans in a bag and a scoop.
Coffee benefits from whey supplementation. Copyright: marcomayer / 123RF Stock Photo
  • Whey protein can now be found in iced coffee where it is intended to help build muscle and bones, and help the brain to develop.
  • Arla Foods Ingredients launches a new iced coffee as part of its ingredients innovation pipeline using protein.

The latest innovation in coffee products comes with the addition of whey protein to RTD. Here the market appeal is to the actively busy urban drinker who can drink a coffee with 20g of whey protein in a 350ml serving. Whey protein is commonly added to products to promote muscle recovery, maintenance and building. It is a common ingredient in sports products for those serious athletes looking to improve physique. The coffee provides valuable minerals in the form of calcium and phosphorous which come in the form of Capolac milk minerals. This is another Arla Foods Ingredients addition which helps to offer the complete package and showcase their range of RTD ingredients. Caffeine provides the final active for stimulating mental energy although the level is not specified in relation to any claim.

In their latest press release, Peter Schouw Andersen, Head of Science & Sales Development at Arla Foods Ingredients stated that :-

“Today’s consumers are increasingly looking for delicious, healthy and convenient foods with functional benefits, which will help them maintain a healthy body and an active mind. A high quality protein and calcium beverage – such as our whey protein iced coffee concept – satisfies those needs in a way that consumers can enjoy while on the go.”

As well as cold-brew coffee, ice coffee RTDs continues to be a category ripe for product development. Innova Market Insights have reported that the number of new iced coffee RTDs launched rose upwards with a mouth-watering compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4% between 2012 and 2015. The number of new beverages launched with a ‘high protein’ claim increased at a CAGR of 34% over a similar time period. This latter fact highlights how high protein drinks are becoming a more mainstream offering.

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