Manuka honey continues to fascinate us, not least because of the many credible claims made for its efficacy. Not everyone likes the Australian or is New Zealand (?) golden sugary syrup but there is certainly much to this honey that we shouldn’t dismiss. Even as a product developer, I was interested in finding applications for its antimicrobial properties because it is possible to reduce added preservatives such as potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate if you partially replace it with some honey. In fact it makes for a very interesting flavour combination in fruit juices and soft drinks where the naturally derived sugars also add to the ingredient labelling credentials.
There is a developing clinical interest in Manuka honey in particular and we raise some points here:-
- Immunity
It can soothe and alleviate sore throats and enhance immunity. The product is safe to use according to the US National Cancer Institute.
- Wounds and Ulceration
New Zealand’s Maoris have applied the honey to treat burns and open wounds.
- Acne and eczema
There is a small amount of evidence suggesting that the antimicrobials in this honey can reduce the impact of the bacteria which grow in skin pores causing acne. the evidence has yet to been confirmed but there is plenty of folklore surrounding its use.
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If you are interested in knowing more about the uses of Manuka honey then check out the book ‘Manuka Honey Ebook’ which details many of the aspects we’ve just mentioned earlier. For those interested in beauty, there is a worthwhile section on the subject. The Ebook is written by Kimberley Scott who is an authority on all aspects associated with the product. Click on the link below to be taken straight there to receive the book.
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