How to Prepare a Curry Powder (Masala)

curry powder
Copyright: foodandmore

A good quality curry powder or kari ka masala is easily made at home. It doesn’t take too long and definitely tastes better than shop bought curry powder. This is a version we use in our kitchen and product development. There is a more sophisticated variant which we use for potato curry, koftas and all sorts of meat and poultry dishes. No. 2 is also good for spicing up left-over turkey. The basic version is an absolute necessity but so many different varieties can be created.

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[1] Basic Curry Powder



Place all the spices in a medium sized mixing bowl and stir with spoon or spatula. Store in an airtight container like a glass jar in a cool place in the kitchen. It lasts about a month at room temperature or for nearly a year in the fridge.

[2] Advanced 15-Spice Extravaganza Curry Powder



Place all the spices in a medium sized mixing bowl and stir with spoon or spatula. Store in an airtight container like a glass jar in a cool place in the kitchen. It lasts about a month at room temperature or for nearly a year in the fridge.

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