Which Foods have the best diuretic effect?

A bank of male urinals in a well lit room.

A diuretic is something which increases the amount of water and salt expelled from the body as urine. Frequent needs to go to the toilet and urinate more often than usual can be put down to certain types of food we eat. Although urinary tract infections, overactive bladder, certain types of medication, diabetes, prostate problems and pregnancy are all implicated, there is some association with diet.

A proper diet which is nutritionally balanced should never produce excessive urination. However for some people, certain foods cause greater sensitivity and do have a diuretic affect. Keeping a log or diary of foods and beverages will help in identifying certain foods which are known to be causes of frequent urination.

#1 Caffeine as a diuretic

Not only does caffeine keep your brain activity high and prevent you from sleeping properly, it is also a powerful diuretic as well as being a stimulant. The bladder is kept in constant use when our body has caffeine coursing through it. Given caffeine is found in coffee, chocolate, tea and some beverages like soda, simply reduce the number and content of any of these drinks and foods.

#2 Alcohol as a diuretic

Alcohol is a neurological agent which interferes with the bladder because it affects the muscles controlling urine flow and leads to frequent urination. Given, alcohol is found in beer, lager and spirits, reduce the quantity imbibed. Too much drinking however causes excessive dehydration and can lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs).

#3 Gluten as a diuretic

Surprising really! Gluten is a protein found in major cereal crops like barley, rye, wheat and other triticale grains. All these grains produce proteins known as prolamins. Prolamins cause problems for anyone with a gluten intolerance. Diets high in gluten lead to frequent urination. Reduce your intake of high gluten foods such as pizzas, muffins, pasties, bread and pasta to ease the situation.

#4 Phosphorous as a diuretic

Phosphorous is an essential mineral but for those with kidney disease it is an issue. Limit the amount of dairy products, nuts, peanuts, meat and beans to reduce the impact.

#5 Spicy Foods as diuretics

Spicy foods are linked to insomnia as well as caffeine because they don’t allow us to drop our core body temperature before we go to sleep. When it comes to frequent urination, spicy foods behave like caffeine because they contain stimulants especially capsaicin, the main active of chilli. Drop your intake of spicy foods like jalapeño and chili peppers, curry, horse radish, salsa, some ethnic foods such as Indian, Mexican and Chinese foods.

#6 Food High In Acid

High levels of acid such as citric, malic and lactic acid are associated with frequent urination. The acids have a mix of neurological and irritant effects which invite the issue. It means reducing intake of tea, coffee, cranberry and/or orange juice.

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