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Properties Of Potato Starch

November 21, 2014 smitsa 0

Potato starch is a versatile and widely used carbohydrate extracted from potatoes, exhibiting several unique properties that make it a valuable ingredient in various applications. […]

Close up of monosodium glutamate (msg), a flavor enhancer in many Asian foods and one of the main causes of the umami and kokumi flavour sensation.

Umami – The 5th Taste

November 17, 2014 smitsa 0

Umami flavour makes for a fascinating story because of the molecular nature of this sensory sensation. For many years, it was thought to be an […]

A blonde woman clutching her stomach and suffering food poisoning from something like botulism.

The Problem Of Botulism

November 5, 2014 smitsa 1

Botulism is thankfully one of those rare food poisoning events but it is still a fatal condition. Clostridium botulinum is the causative agent which releases […]

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November 1, 2014 smitsa 0

Curtido is a low-fat coleslaw from El Salvador and Mexico. It can also be fermented like Sauerkraut. The fermented food is prepared thus: Yield: about […]

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Bramley Apple Pie

October 30, 2014 smitsa 0

Serves: 6; Preparation time: 30-40 minutes; Cooking time: 30 minutes. Cooling time: 10 minutes. Total time: 1 hour, 10 minutes Ingredients: For the filling 1kg […]

vitamin c and eye health

Vitamin C And Eye Health

October 23, 2014 smitsa 0

Vitamin C has long been known to counter scurvy and be of general benefit as an antioxidant in human nutrition. It has been strongly associated […]