The fish bourride is a wonderful French-style hearty fish stew which is slightly thicker than your average bouillabaise. It is also a dish prepared with aïoli. This lends the stew a rich, unctuous, creamy and highly garlicky flavour. It needs plenty of thick crusty bread for the mopping up of all that cream. Originally from the Provencal region.
Serving size: 4 to 6 depending on how hungry you are.
Ingredients For The Bourride:
- 2 kg of white fish fillets – skinned: grey and red mullet, gurnard monkfish, sea bass. It’s possible to use a bought fish stew mix otherwise it could be pieces of fish such as cod and haddock but it loses its Mediterranean feel.
- Any fish heads, bones and other bits from the fish except the gills.
- 2 medium onions (red or yellow), roughly chopped
- 1 leek, trimmed and chopped roughly into rounds
- 2 celery stalks roughly chopped up
- 4-6 garlic cloves, crushed and roughly chopped
- 6 slightly waxy but not overly starchy potatoes, roughly chopped into cubes
- ½ litre of olive oil
- ½ litre of white wine
- 1 lemon
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 tsp thyme
- parsley leaves and stalks
- salt and pepper
The Aioli:
- 3 cloves garlic, and milled into small pieces or finely chopped.
- 3 egg yolks, at room temperature
- 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
- 3 tbsp white wine vinegar
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- 1 teaspoon chili pepper
- 1½ cups extra-virgin olive oil
- Salt, to taste
Preparation – The Fish Stock:
- Chop all the vegetables up such as the leek, onions, celery, potato.
- In a large heavy bottomed frying pan or skillet, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and panfry half the vegetables but all the celery save for the potatoes for 3 minutes over high heat.
- Add the wine, bay leaf, thyme, garlic, salt and pepper.
- Add about 2 litres of water.
- Add any fish bones, heads etc. but not gills.
- Simmer the whole lot for at least an hour and skim off any scum at various intervals.
- Strain the stock and discard the vegetables and fish bits. The amount left should be between a litre and 1.5 litres
Prepare The Aioli Sauce:
- Prepare the aioli sauce with the freshly crushed garlic, 3 egg yolks, plenty of salt and vinegar.
- Turn with the egg yolks, salt and pepper, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil. Whizz in a food processor for 2 or 3 minutes to produce a smooth emulsion. Gradually add the olive oil in small amounts to produce a rich thick mayonnaise. Add the lemon juice and any more salt for taste.
Prepare The Fish Stew Bourride:
- For the fish stew, heat up about 2 tbsp of olive oil in a large saucepan, deep skillet or casserole pot.
- Add the remaining onion and leek, stir often and cook for 10 minutes to soften the vegetables.
- Add the white wine and cook until it is reduced by a half.
- Add the fish stock, the potatoes and simmer for 15 minutes.
- Add the fish fillets and cook gently in the pan but uncovered for a few more minutes. Try to avoid stirring as the fillets just break up.
- Into a small skillet bowl, add the aioli and then the stew.
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