Energy Balls Bounce Higher

graceful jumping and dancing woman
Copyright: yobro10 / 123RF Stock Photo

After Christmas there seems to be open season waged by nutritionists on high protein supplementation. Yes – the body, especially the gut and liver simply take what they need and normally excrete the rest and no, I’m not going to develop pecs and biceps by eating masses of protein.    I think that boat sailed years ago !

Protein is important for nutrition which may seem understated and there are many guises into which it can be formatted. Protein powder is bland and even the packaging, usually a resealable pouch or tub lacks charisma. What is needed is to blend protein with other goodies to make it an even more attractive proposition than it currently is.

For the product developer, high protein products offer fantastic potential to take a humble amino acid polymer and turn it into a foodstuff which might, just might, be a work of art.  What has been an inspiring innovation is to move away from the ‘bar’ and change shape to something equally pleasing such as the ball. It makes sense even if there have been technical challenges to overcome.

One business which makes balls of energy an artform is Bounce™ who have been providing us with spherical dough-sized packets of protein with other interesting, healthy ingredients.  I have heard it said to be slightly larger than a squash ball but whatever, the size is just about right for a single serve. Any smaller and you would feel hard done by, any bigger, and it becomes a chore to eat, let alone digest.

Bounce have an excellent range of energy balls – nine in all at the last count. Take the 42g serving,  Apple And Cinnamon Protein Punch™ which is a chewy mix of cashews (29%w/w) with small amounts of other nuts, whey protein (8%w/w as the isolate) and seeds  (sunflower and sesame).  The other members of the team have similar nutritional credentials. We have the new Coconut Lemon Protein Crush™ (40g serve size) which complements the Coconut and Macadamia Protein Bliss™ (40g serve size).  Then there is Almond Protein Hit™, Cacao Mint Protein Bomb, Cashew and Pecan Vitality Lift, Cacao Orange Protein Burst, Peanut Protein Blast™, and Spirulina And Ginseng Nutrition Boost™.

The whole range claims to be high in antioxidants and vitamins- the vitamin E content is around 32mg/100g which is just over 100%RDA per serving. Either Blue Agave syrup or Brown Rice syrup is used which means the GI (glycaemic index) status is lower than equivalent products made with carbohydrate syrups but still delivers the necessary sweetness to deliver the sensory appeal. They are also gluten free and have a substantial fibre content which derives from apple or rice bran depending on the variant chosen.

All those flavour variants are attractive. It’s difficult to know which ones to go for first. If you cant make up your mind, then it’s possible to buy the whole mix. Each individual variety is available in a roll can, similar to those for tennis balls.

If you want to purchase any of these Bounce Balls®, please click on the links below with our affiliate supporter, Amazon.


Packs Of 20 Balls

200g Packs Of Five Balls

The Mixed Bag

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