Senior Woman At Home Suffering With Arthritis

What is Arthritis?

April 30, 2018 smitsa 0

Arthritis is a medical term for joint inflammation. It is a derived from the Greek words, “artho” and “itis,” which means joint and inflammation, respectively. […]

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April 30, 2018 smitsa 0

Kaempferol (3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one) is an important natural flavonol. It is one of those compounds in the family of flavonoids which is sourced from fruits and vegetables […]

Fragrant tonka beans, for baking and desserts

Tonka Beans

April 20, 2018 smitsa 0

If you watch MasterChef on UK television, I’m sure you will have heard tonka beans mentioned a few times. These are an exotic ingredient that […]

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Brazil Nuts

April 13, 2018 smitsa 1

Brazil nuts  have a number of health benefits, not least of all being that they are selenium-rich and have been attributed with:- improving heart health […]

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The Physics of Fluid Flows

April 11, 2018 smitsa 0

Fluid flow is a fundamental aspect of physics and engineering, governing the motion of liquids and gases through various mediums. Understanding fluid flow is crucial […]

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Cassia Bark

April 9, 2018 smitsa 1

Cassia bark is an aromatic bark that looks rather similar to cinnamon. The bark appears darker however, is much thicker and coarser and in many […]

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Longaniza Sausage

April 9, 2018 smitsa 0

The Longaniza sausage is a Spanish pork sausage (embutido) which seems to have developed into regional varieties from other countries too, especially in South America. […]

Bottle of apricot oil with fresh fruit and kernels on wooden table

Apricot Kernel Oil

April 9, 2018 smitsa 0

Apricot kernel oil is ideal for sensitive skin and is also suitable for delicate baby and children’s skin. It has a slightly marzipan scented oil […]