MySuperfoods Organic Acai Berry Powder (200g), Natural Source of Antioxidants


Dosage form Powder
Brand MySuperFoods
Units 200.0 gram
Format Powder

About this item

  • NUTRITIOUS AND DELICIOUS: Our Acai Berry Powder is bursting with nutrients including fibre, protein, vitamin A, potassium, calcium and iron. It tastes great too, making it perfect for bakes, desserts and smoothies.
  • A HEALTHY TREAT: All the nutrients packed into Acai Berry Powder can provide numerous health benefits including maintaining normal skin and vision, helping to maintain a normal blood pressure, contributing to healthy bones and teeth, and more!
  • 100 PERCENT ORGANIC: There is nothing unnatural in our Acai Berry Powder. Harvested by hand in Brazil from the high branches of the acai palm, these shiny purple berries have been certified 100 percent organic by the Soil Association.
  • VEGAN FRIENDLY: You will love our Acai Berry Powder if you are a vegan or vegetarian because it is completely plant based. There is no gluten or dairy either, making it a popular addition to any diet.

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