Gojo 8803-03 Purell ADX-12 Advanced Hygienic Hand Rub 1200ml – Pack of 3

  • Purell Advanced Hygienic Hand Rub ADX 12 is clinically proven to maintain skin health.
  • This hand rub is antimicrobial and promotes infection control through compliance.
  • It also boasts a total hospital formulation for hands.
  • Purell Hand Rub feels good to the touch
  • Complies to Bactericidal EN 1500 (hand wash), EN 12791 (surgical scrub), EN 1040, EN 1276, EN 13727, – Virucidal EN 14476, Fungicidal and Yeasticidal EN 1275, Tuberculocidial and Mycobactericidal EN 14348


  • Purell Advanced Hygienic Hand Rub ADX 12 is clinically proven to maintain skin health.
  • This hand rub is antimicrobial and promotes infection control through compliance.
  • It also boasts a total hospital formulation for hands.
  • Purell Hand Rub feels good to the touch
  • Complies to Bactericidal EN 1500 (hand wash), EN 12791 (surgical scrub), EN 1040, EN 1276, EN 13727, – Virucidal EN 14476, Fungicidal and Yeasticidal EN 1275, Tuberculocidial and Mycobactericidal EN 14348
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