The end of a good meal is usually the opportunity to offer your guests including yourself a classy range of cheeses. Cheese however, is one of our most wasted friends according to the Tesco Christmas Magazine that came out at the end of 2021. They stated that 2,000 tons of cheese are wasted every Christmas in the UK.
This should never be the case.
Cheese is always extremely versatile. Any leftover slabs and chunks can be grilled on toast, melted into a rich sauce, mixed and tossed through pasta. In the case of Camembert, baked whole for indulgent dipping with crusty bread. For us, it’s a perennial issue that the ultimate comfort becomes a problem as we tend to purchase too much cheese. We end up throwing some of it but not all, away.
What can we do about this?
First of all, make sure the cheese is stored properly. Wrap any leftovers in baking paper because wrapping it in clingfilm makes it go sweaty. Store in an airtight container in the fridge because that way he keeps it at the peak of its flavour.
Blue cheese and parmesan often leave rinds behind that are used to flavour soups, stocks and risottos. Make sure you remove the rind before eating. The hard cheeses can be grated and cut into portions or sliced. Some can be frozen for up to six months. Freezing most cheese makes go crumbly, so once defrosted it is best used in cooking.
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