ISO9001 In Food Manufacturing

Quality management systems (QMS) are one of the key prerequisites in developing effective control processes for food production and manufacturing. The universal standard is now possible through ISO9001 which is routinely updated every five years to ensure it is ‘fit for purpose’.  The QMS aspect is usually implemented with internal reviews. Accreditation is needed using an external body to review the manufacturer’s quality system and then decide if sets of criteria have been met before establishing the success of the management process.

The general requirement for any Quality Management System is they should establish, document, implement and maintain it, and also demonstrate improvements which is one of requirements of the standard. The latest ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems – Requirements is available from all the national standards organisation for each country. The requirements are:-

  • Section 4: Context of the Organisation
  • Section 5: Leadership
  • Section 6: Planning
  • Section 7: Support
  • Section 8: Operation
  • Section 9: Performance evaluation
  • Section 10: Improvement

The standard’s layout adopts the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle as part of a process based approach.

There has been criticism of the ISO9000 standards particularly where effectiveness has been concerned and the level of resource required to keep the management system operational. It is however considered to generate greater business for those using QMS. It also helps with process organisation, generally staff morale and a better appreciation of such management systems. The system is also a valuable prerequisite for those implementing HACCP (Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points).

FoodWrite has been helping consumer goods manufacturers write many of the process documents which characterise this management system as well as provide advice on HACCP. Please give me a call if you want to know how I can help you improve your QMS system.

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