Do you know what the top ten protein sources are in the United Kingdom ?
1.Chicken and Turkey dishes 20.3%
2.Beef and Veal dishes 15.5%
3.Baked Beans 7.0%
4.Eggs 6.7%;
5.Bacon and Ham 6.6%
6.Meat Pies and Pastries 6.3%
7.Oily Fish 5.4%
8.Sausages 4.2%
9.Pork and Pork dishes 3.9%
10.White Fish coated and/or fried 3.9%
Values based on NDNS data.
Source: Foresight (2011) The Future of Food and Farming: Challenges and choices for global sustainability. Government Office for Science.
Sans and Combris (2015) have recently published a review which encompassed worldwide meat consumption pattern over the last 50 years, observing that this rose from 23.1 kg per person per year in 1961 to 42.20 kg/person/year in 2011.
Sans, P., & Combris, P. (2015). World meat consumption patterns: An overview of the last fifty years (1961-2011). Meat Science, 109(2015), 106-111.
Sustainable diets for the future: can we contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emission by eating a healthy diet? Macdiarmid, Kyle, Horgan, Loe, Fyfe, Johnstone, McNeill. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Sep;96(3):632-9.