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South Africa Gives us Mahewu

January 25, 2017 smitsa 0

Mahewu, also known as amahewu or mageu, is a traditional African fermented beverage that holds cultural significance in many communities. This nutritious and refreshing drink […]

Top view closeup nice broken ripe sugar apples with brown seed near unbroken sweet-sops on wooden table background

The Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa)

January 18, 2017 smitsa 0

The Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa L.) is related to Cherimoya, another custard apple species. It is extremely popular throughout the tropics, especially in climates where the […]

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Kidney Vetch

January 13, 2017 smitsa 0

Kidney Vetch, woundwort or Ladies Fingers is scientifically known as Anthyllis vulneraria. It is an extremely bright flowering plant and often clothes fields where it’s yellow-orange colour […]

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Preparing Endives Au Gratin

January 10, 2017 smitsa 0

Cooking Time Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes (including boiling the endives and baking) Equipment Needed Medium-sized saucepan Small baking dish (or individual […]