Salad Leaf Mixes

Salad leaf mixes are ideal for those looking for tasty leaves that are ready to eat in just 25 days! They make a great addition to any salad and are excellent when grown indoors or out. You can grow as baby leaves or more fully grown forms in tubs and patio containers too.  Choose a sunny site. You can grow indoors in a light room as well. Use for sandwiches and salads.

Most mixes should contain lettuce and various Japanese leaves. We like mixes of Pak Choi Green Stem, Greek cress, Mizuna, small lettuce etc.

Sowing Guide

Sow between March and September.

Sow on a windowsill in the colder months or the greenhouse in good quality soil or compost. Only sow outdoors when there is no risk of frost.

Sow seeds thinly, 1cm deep in small pots or seed trays. If sowing direct use a compost or soil which is raked or sieved to a fine tilth. Sow again about 1cm deep and in drills 23cm apart.

For baby salad leaves, do not thin otherwise spread out by thinning to have larger more robust leaves.

Harvest between May and October

Types to Grow

‘Speedy Mix’ – Mr Fothergills.

‘Oriental Mix’ – Thompson & Morgan

‘Oriental Mix’  – Unwins

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