Growing Marjoram

Marjoram is a half-hardy perennial and a cousin of its Mediterranean cousin oregano but a little more hardy.

  • Prolific at flowering.
  • Aromatic leaves have a slightly more acidic taste than oregano but makes fine sauces for pasta and an ideal replacement for use on pizzas and other Italian dishes.
  • Marjoram contains some fascinating chemical components which have some useful antimicrobial properties (see article).
Fresh marjoram herb isolated on a white background
Marjoram – a straightforward herb to grow. Copyright: enjoylife25 / 123RF Stock Photo

Sowing Indoors

For best results, sow seeds at 0.5cm (1/4 inch) deep in a tray of compost. Maintain a temperature of 15 to 20 C (60 -68 F) as the ideal. keep moist always. Seedlings appear in 14-21 days. Transplant seedlings 5cm (2″) apart to other trays when large enough to handle. Gradually accustom young plants to outside conditions before planting out 30cm (1 foot) apart when the frosts have gone.

Sowing Outdoors

In a seed bed, sow 1/2cm deep (1/4 inch) in finely prepared soil which has been prewatered. Thin seedlings to 5cm (2″) apart before planting out to their flowering positions in autumn, space 30cm (1 foot) apart.


Cut off flowers when these have gone over to regenerate fresh leaves.

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