Iron Labs Nutrition

Iron Labs Nutrition is a major sport supplement supplier which is part of Euro Nutrition Labs with a large range of products for sale for the dedicated and committed athlete. The business has been producing food supplements since 2009. They currently have the number one spot in offering a Testosterone support product.

Take a look at their comprehensive web-site which offers plenty to the serious athlete.

Stand-Out Products

(1) Iron Labs Nutrition, AC8 Xtreme (Blue Raspberry) – 300 grams – Pre-Workout Supplement With Caffeine, Beta-Alanine, Glutamine and Creatine.

Iron Labs Nutrition, AC8 Xtreme (Blue Raspberry) - 300 grams - Pre-Workout Supplement With Caffeine, Beta-Alanine, Glutamine and Creatine - 20-40 Pre Workout Servings
Image courtesy of Amazon.

AC8 Xtreme is a pre-workout supplement ranking high in the on-line purchase charts. It contains primarily 1,500mg of Creatine, 1,000mg of Beta Alanine, 1,000mg L-Glutamine, 200mg Caffeine and 1,000mg L-Taurine and citrulline per regular serving. This product is made in the UK which is BRC Food Certified and GMP-certified. provides between 20 and 40 pre-workout servings.

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Key Ingredients In Iron Nutrition Laboratories.

Look out for the following articles on caffeine, L-taurine, creatine, beta-alanine, glutamine. Also look out for citrulline.

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