Coffee Pods – Tassimo Versus Dolce Gusto Brands

If you like the new style of coffee pods  which are sometimes known as coffee capsules or T-discs then look no further to buy the top selling brands and types from Amazon. We offer a variety of branded coffee pods which rank in the top 20 products bought on Amazon in the Food & Drink category. Just click on the picture for the coffee product of your choice to be taken to our affiliate marketing partner.

Tassimo Coffee Pods

Tassimo seem to offer the coffee enthusiast just about everything in coffee flavour and range. We noticed there was ‘plain’ coffee, espresso, cappuccino, latte machiato and caramel but also other hot beverages such as hot chocolate, chai and assorted teas. There is a strong emphasis on reproducing the ‘kenco’ coffee experience which has been enjoyed by many over the years.

If you try each one, then there is something for everyone. Our favourite coffees are the:- (1) espresso which is strong and offered in the appropriate volume and (2) the caramel latte which offere just the right balance of toffee notes. The Costa cappuccino has a slightly stronger flavour than their regular cappuccino. They also have a range of milk-based coffee beverages although they never seem as good as the frothed milk concoctions from the barista’s endeavours.

If you cannot make up your mind, then try the 22 disc variety pack.

The only issue we have is that you need to use a Tassimo machine – they are not compatible with any other !


Nescafe Coffee Pods

The Dolce Gusto range really does compete with Tassimo and in the UK, they are virtually neck and neck in terms of popularity. Each coffee when made to specification is about 85 Calories per cup. We’ve found the latte macchiato is the only unsweetened variant in their range but that shouldn’t mean it detracts from the other superb flavours available. Interestingly the Cappucino is not as sweet as the latte macchiato which suggests they’ve tailored each coffee offer to suit particular tastes. A pack of three will give you 48 pods which is equivalent to 24 servings. As with the Tassimo coffee capsules, you will need a Dolce Gusto coffee machine.


Coffee pods are one of the growing trends and set to overtake granulated coffee sales. There is also a burdgeoning collection of scientific evidence to support the benefits of drinking coffee including a reduction in the incidence of liver cancer and prostate cancer, atherosclerosis and improvements to memory and reduction in multiple sclerosis.  If you want to read more about coffee check out the articles:-

Nespresso Coffee Pods

One brand that also needs a mention is Nespresso. Well respected with a similar range to Dolce Gusto. 


The Americano

The Caffe Americano is an espresso type coffee beverage which is possible the most popular type of coffee in the USA. It was said to be first produced in Seattle, Washington State. It is similar in flavour to a coffee brewed with the drip filter system. The aroma is more subtle than an espresso  and lighter in mouthfeel or body with less bitterness. People use one or two coffee pods at a time to recreate  a a single or double-shot of espresso combined with up to four or five ounces of hot water in a two-demitasse cup. Usually a lighter roasted coffee been is needed for an Americano. Ethiopian and Sumatran coffee beans are roasted for the Espresso types.

The Latte Macchiato

The latte macchiato is the iconic coffee containing steamed frothy milk. It is essentially the upside down version of your classic café latte. It is often slightly sweetened with a layer of smooth and full-bodied espresso coffee.

One key request, dispose of your coffee pods responsibly as these are proving an environmental issue !

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