Alara (Cereals, Porridge And Granolas)

Alara are specialists in cereals, porridges and granolas.

If you are keen on porridge then why not try the Alara Luxurious Gluten Free Porridge. When made with milk you produce a deliciously indulgent and creamy gluten free porridge. The product contains rice, millet, buckwheat flakes and linseed.  The product is an excellent source of protein and vitamins such as niacin, thiamine (B1) and folate. It also has minerals, including manganese, phosphorus and magnesium. This particular porridge is also rich in flavonoids, particularly cholesterol-controlling rutin which is associated with the control blood levels of cholesterol and omega 3 fatty acids which is essential for general good health.

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If you are interested in what the ingredients do for you then please look at our articles on the following:-

Vitamins (thiamine (vitamin B1), niacin, folate)

Minerals (manganese, phosphorus and magnesium)

Grains (rice, millet, buckwheat flakes and linseed)

Flavonoids (rutin)

Omega 3 fatty acid

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