HiPP produce nutritionally complete feeds for babies. The business was started in 1899 and is currently centred in Pfaffenhofen, Germany. The current owner Stefen Hipp is a fourth generation family owner who offers personal guarantees on every product.  The business is supported by 50 years worth of breastmilk research.

Stand-Out Products From HiPP

One of their leading products is the Organic Combiotic First Infant Milk 1 From Birth Onwards which is a nutritionally complete food based on whey. It is designed for birthed babies and onwards. It contains prebiotics such as galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and omega 3 and 6 long chain fatty acids which are important for immune and general development. These baby powders also contain vitamins A, C and D. It also contains iron which is needed for normal blood production and cognitive development.

The food is certified as organic which makes it a must for those wanting to ensure the food they give their children is free of genetically modified ingredients. HiPP claim no pesticides are used in any of the pastures the cows graze in.

 As with many milk powder suppliers there are over 6 months stages in feeding development. Stages 2 and 3 follow on from 1. Look for Hipp Organic 2 Follow On Baby Milk Formula (800g) which is designed for babies six months old.


All products have a six month shelf-life which is typical for many of these baby milk powders.

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